Sep 21, 2008
The Dearest Place on Earth
Sep 17, 2008
Sep 15, 2008
James' Favorite Things
This is a rather unusual thing.
Because James has so many doting family members, it has not been necessary for us to purchase much of anything for this boy - clothes, shoes, toys. Even our neighbors have passed along clothes and toys.
So when we were out one day and James happened upon a display of various vehicles and accompanying animals/people/etc, I took no small delight in noting how interested he was in them. Ben was in a different part of the store, so I promised James that we would go find Daddy and bring him back to see what he thought about getting one.
James & I wound our way back to Ben. I gave Ben some quick details. Then we asked James to take us back to the display so we could show Daddy.
Instantly our toddler headed straight back to the toy of his dreams. With one tiny detour, he found it.
We set one of each of the four combinations in front of James. He went back to the same one time and again, never wavering from his original choice.
We picked up that box and told him, "We're taking this one home with us, Son." His excitement spread through his whole body. After strapping him into his stroller, we placed the long box in front of him. He sat proudly holding onto his treasure.
Ben and I stood for a moment enjoying our son's pleasure. Tears sprang to my eyes as I felt the pleasure of God in blessing our son and tasted a sip of His joy in delighting us.
Ever since, from the moment James wakes up each morning until the time we put him in his crib at night, our Diddle is either talking about or playing with his "guck" - a truck and horse trailer - that he fills with his various animals.
Sometimes, he pulls Ben or me down to play with him.
Sometimes he gets frustrated when the animals fall over. (He's learning to ask for help.)
Sometimes he asks to play with his "guck" at the table after breakfast, or to take it in the car with us, or to have it come with him to the potty.
When he heads upstairs to bed at night, wherever he is (whether he can see the truck or not), he starts waving and saying, "guh-gye guck" as we promise that for sure his truck will be here when he wakes up.
Saturday Adventures with Daddy
On more than one occasion, James has "requested" to go see the trains. When Ben asked where he wanted to go that day, James replied, "chooo-chooo!"
Oh the happiness this sight brings our sweet son.
Sep 12, 2008
Ben's "Adopted Family" Reunion
Over Labor Day every year, Steve's mom's family has a reunion at the homestead. Ben has attended for a long time. I went once after Ben and I were married. And James & I got to go again this year.
James entered little-boy heaven that weekend.
There were dogs.
There was dirt.
There were trucks (the steel kind that have lasted through decades of hard play by busy boys).
And there was a side-by-side.
On Saturday night, they built a huge bonfire and roasted corn.
The weekend was simply beautiful.
A Saturday Adventure
Then we took a long drive to an archery store so Ben could look for bows. James fell asleep clutching the toy his Grammy gave him that morning - a John Deer box filled with six farm animals.
Family Vacation
Our responsibility: relax - oh - and keep tabs on our busy boy.
We enjoyed kayaking on the lake; a nature center; a train ride by a river.
James quickly discovered how to dampen the sound of the horn blast.
He also loved having his Aunt "Nizzy" around for a week.
And his daddy...One afternoon, it suddenly poured. The children were all set to go out on the boat, but instead they ran around and splashed in the puddles.
At the end of the week , we took a picture of the children by the Indian.
Thank you, Mom, for a memorable vacation!
Sep 11, 2008
A new beginning
To those who are just joining my little blogosphere journey - welcome!
I am not much of a creative writer. And up to this point, I've mostly used my blog to track the growth & development of our James. Perhaps that will change and some creativity will emerge. But for sure I will be telling the tales of our precious son who brings so much joy to our lives.
Thanks for coming along.